Canva Tips for Uploading CSV files using Bulk Create

Canva Tips for Uploading CSV files using Bulk Create

According to, here is how you can upload a csv file for bulk creation. Check it out!

Uploading a CSV file

Comma separated value (CSV) files are text-based files that allow data to be saved in a table format. CSV files are usually made using spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Numbers.

To save or convert a spreadsheet into a CSV file:

  1. Open the spreadsheet with the data you want to use for Bulk create. If you don’t have a spreadsheet yet, you can create one using the spreadsheet programs mentioned above.
  2. Check that the data is in the correct order and in clearly labeled columns.
  3. If you’re using Google Sheets, click File and then Download. If you’re using Microsoft Excel, click File and then Save As. If you’re using Numbers, click File and then Export To….
  4. Pick the .csv file option as the document type.

To upload a CSV file:

  1. From the Bulk Create tab on the editor side panel, click  Upload CSV.
  2. Select the CSV file with the data for Bulk create.

See Step 3: Connecting elements below for the next steps.

Step 3: Connecting data to your elements

After uploading the data, the next step is connecting it to the elements on the design. For example, if you’re creating a business card design, you need to connect the “First name” and “Last name” elements to the correct columns from the data table.

  1. On the page of your design, right-click on the element you want to connect.
  2. Click  Assign data.
  3. Select the data field you want to connect the element to.
  4. If you’d like to attach an image, you need to add a frame element. You can add a frame from the Elements tab of the editor side panel.
  5. Repeat from Step 2 until you’ve connected all columns. If your design has multiple pages, go to the page with the element you want to connect and repeat from Step 1.
  6. Click Continue to proceed.

*You can only connect one data field per element. For example, if your data table has “First name” and “Last name” as separate fields, you need to connect them to two elements: one element to connect “First name” and another to connect “Last name”.

Step 4: Creating designs in bulk

The final step before bulk creation is to select which data to use.

  1. Select the data you’d like to use. All data is selected by default. You can untick the data you don’t want to use.
  2. Click Generate. Once done, the pages created in bulk will open on a new tab.
  3. Check if the pages are generated correctly. Adjust the elements as needed.
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