Did you Know?
Here are some simple handy tips and shortcuts to improve your skills in Microsoft Teams:
How to delete a message in teams: Click 3 dots top right of message you want to delete "…", then hit "delete"
How to editing a Chat message: Hover over the three dot "..." of the text you want to edit in chat box.
then, select "Edit". Make changes. Click check mark when complete
How to save key messages: Go over message with mouse, select "..." and click "Save this message". Type /saved in search bar at top and you will get a list on the left of your screen.
Short key for how to Mute/Unmute in Teams: Ctrl + Shift + M = on/off or Ctrl + spacebar = temporarily unmute
How to Mute Chat Bubbles that pop up during a meeting: while you're in meeting, hit the 3 dots "..." at top task bar, a second box will open up. Scroll all the way to bottom of list and click "turn off chat bubbles"
How to "pin" a conversation and/or a message in a chat: click on the 3 dots "..." at the right of the conversation you want to pin and select "Pin"
How to set a notification to see when someone is available: 'chat' tab, choose person, hit 3 dots " . . .", select "notify me when available"
How to Enable Closed Captioning in a Teams Meeting:
click on the 3 dots " . . ." at the top of screen and scroll down to "Turn on Captions"
How to use the transcription and recording feature on Teams: In a virtual meeting, click the three dots labeled " More" then, select the "Start Transcription" button to transcribe the call or " Start Recording" button to record the meeting
Now go show off your new moves!